Kansas Music Review
Convention Issue 2015-16

All-State Elementary Choir
Holly Taylor
All-State Elementary Choir Chair
The 160 singers have been posted for the very FIRST KMEA All State Elementary Choir to perform at the President's Concert on Thursday, February 25 at 6:00 PM. I want to personally thank the judges, KMEA District Elementary Chairs, KMEA Executive Council, KMEA Webmaster Troy Johnson, and Jill Wiechman (Assistant Choir Chair) for their excellent commitment and support of this new choir. There were a total of 594 entries this first year! This is an overwhelming confirmation that this choir was needed in the state of Kansas. President Martha Gabel is to be commended for her vision of including elementary grades 3-5 in the All-State concerts! All of the information is listed on the KMEA website at ksmea.org/elemchoir.

I am excited that our singers will have the opportunity to work with Elaine Quilichini, who is known to many of you in the field of Children's Music Education. I would encourage you to come and watch the rehearsals on Thursday, February 25 from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

See you at KMEA!
The Kansas Music Review is the official publication of the Kansas Music Educators Association,
a federated State Association of the National Association for Music Education.