We have several important items impacting the Northeast District this year:
- A conflict with the Baldwin facilities is necessitating a change in location for our high school ensemble auditions to Olathe East High School on Saturday, November 11, 2012. This is a major change after so many years in Baldwin and we are very appreciative to Olathe East for being willing to host.
- We are continuing to discuss the possible split of the Northeast District. While the hope and desire is to create opportunities for more students and involvement by more teachers and programs, change is always hard and we will have some logistical hoops to jump through.
- The size of the Northeast District and the constant change and shift of teachers presents communication challenges. We are stressing the need to get more people involved and better channels of communication. The district now has a new web site that should help with those things.
KMEA Northeast District Outstanding Music Educators
Elementary Kimberly Michaelis Orchestra Shawnee Mission Schools 11 years |
Middle Level Deborah Woodall Band Lawrence-Southwest MS 23 years |
High School Cynthia Sheppard Choir Olathe-South HS 26 years |
- Elementary
- Band - Tom Harrington, Olathe
- Vocal - Peri Goodman, Lakeview Elementary, Blue Valley
- Orchestra - Kimberlee Michaelis, Shawnee Mission
- Middle Level
- Band - Deborah Woodall, Southwest Middle School, Lawrence
- Choir - Wendi Bogard, Basehor Linwood Middle School
- Orchestra - Cheryl Lundberg, Wheatridge and Gardner Edgerton Middle Schools
- High School
- Band - Chad Coughlin, Olathe South High School
- Choir - Cindy Sheppard, Olathe South High School
- Orchestra - Steve Phalp, Blue Valley North High School
KMEA Northeast District Calendar of Events
October 12 - Audition Entry Forms Due for all Levels
November 10 - High School Auditions at Olathe East High School
December 1 - District Mini-Conventions (clinicians are listed next to ensembles)
- Band: Blue Valley High School
- 5A/6A Red Band - Scott Lubaroff
5A/6A Blue Band - Martin Bergee
1A-4A Gold Band - Craig Fuchs
High School Jazz Band - Lindsey Williams
Freshman Band - Sharon Toulouse
7th/8th Grade Band - Lane Weaver - Choir: Shawnee Mission Northwest High School
- High School Choir - Eph Ehly
Middle Level Choir - Carol Krueger
Elementary Choir - Holly Taylor - Orchestra: Olathe South High School
- High School Orchestra - Troy Peters
Freshman Orchestra - Russ Pieken
Middle Level Orchestra - Jacob Dakon
Elementary Orchestra - Anne-Marie Webster